Sunday 22 November 2009

A selection of photos and videos

The blog has now been updated with a selection of photos and videos for your perusal - Anyone that came to NYC and want their photos published on here, please let us know!!! Happy looking!!!

Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Fourth and Final Day

Sony Wonder Lab Technology Centre

In the Disney Store - Shopping time!!!

Leaving NYC to go back to England!!!

The Third Day

Performing Arts/Theatre Workshop with experienced Broadway Casting Agents and Performers.

Media Students visit the New York Film Academy

Lunch break at a Chinese - Rachel gets her wish of Chinese food in a box!!!

Thursday 12 November 2009

The Second Day!

The 4 hour walking tour (in the rain!)

A Famous Yellow Taxi!!

NYPD Truck!

Halloween pumpkins!


NBC Studio Tour

Bubba Gumps for dinner!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

The Arrival and First Day!

3.15 am at Chelmer!!! Register check on coach!

At Heathrow waiting to get the plane!!!

Top of the Rock at 7pm!

New York at night!!! Well 7pm ish!

Ellens Stardust Diner where the waiters and waitresses sing!!!

We've been there, done that and all got I heart NY T-shirts to prove it!!!

Well we went to the city that never sleeps and we had a whale of a time!!!

Friday 23 October 2009

Only 2 more days to go....time to pack and get the last few things!!!

Thursday 22 October 2009

Only 3 more days to go....It's the final countdown!!!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

5 More Days to go.........have you got your dollars yet?

Sunday 18 October 2009

How many days to go?

One Week to Go.......Are you excited yet?

Sunday 6 September 2009

Our Google Map

Click on the map below to find the attractions which we will be visiting in New York.

View CVHS Creative Tour 2009 in a larger map